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Lungs cancer specialist Delhi
Lungs cancer specialist Delhi
Lungs cancer specialist Delhi
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Specialist Lung Surgeon
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Specialist Lungs Surgery
Lungs Cancer specialist Delhi
Specialist Lungs Cancer
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Our Centre of Excellence in

  • Lung and Esophageal Cancer.
  • All Chest Cancers.

  • Major Airway Tumors and Injuries.
  • Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery (VATS).
  • Robotic Thoracic Surgery.

Our team of experts are extremely adept at diagnosing the most challenging cases, staging the disease, treating with medications, radiotherapy

Dr Bal Profile




Dr. Sabyasachi Bal

  • Senior Registrar, Surgical Oncology, Royal Marsden Hospital, London & Sutton, UK.
  • Senior Registrar, South West Regional Thoracic Surgery Centre, UK.

  • Fellow in Robotic Thoracic Surgery, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA.

  • Certification & Training in Robotic Surgery at Intuitive Surgical Labs, SUNNYVALE, USA and at University of San Francisco.

Consult Now

Dr Bal

Make the Right Choice
We care about your Health

  • Lung and Esophageal Cancer.
  • All Chest Cancers.

  • Major Airway Tumors and Injuries.
  • Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery (VATS).
  • Robotic Thoracic Surgery.

Our team of experts are extremely adept at diagnosing the most challenging cases, staging the disease, treating with medications, radiotherapy